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For therapists


You are working in the psychosocial field yourself and want to experience methods that you offer (possibly in the future)?

Personally, I have benefited enormously from self-awareness. Here I was able to experience that these methods, which I now advocate and apply with conviction, actually lead to positive change. Through self-awareness, I can tailor the treatment methods individually to the client and have developed a sense of what support is actually necessary during the process or the different stages of treatment to achieve the desired goal.

I offer you the opportunity in self-awareness to get to know different methods better and at the same time to work on your own issues.

Intensive EMDR self-awareness

Particularly enriching is intensive self-experience, where clients or therapists come to Klagenfurt for 3-4 days and do 2 two-hour EMDR sessions daily during that time. This allows to work through many issues in a short time and to immerse oneself particularly intensively in the EMDR process. Prerequisite: Sufficient psychological stability and resources, little stress in the week after.